Monday 14 November 2011

End of 14th November...

Sighs. Why do this kind of feelings hit me every few days? It really does not do me any good. I really miss him so badly. Friday we were still chatting, and after that, he started to change again. I don't know him. When he's with his friends, I'm nothing. However, I didn't force him. he doesn't wanna message, I won't message him. Maybe I really love him a lot. I just want him to be happy. Didn't message him the whole day on Sunday. But he messaged me in the night. I didn't know until Monday, in school. How can I ever tell him that I miss him so much?

     Friday: Greyson Chance's live performance in KL Live, Life Centre. First time ever to a live performance. That was cool. Went with Kyee and John. My second time with them. We were cool. Searching for roads. Ended up in Pavillion, watched "Immortal", it's a very nice movie. Love it!! Funny part was, Kyee screamed in the cinema!! I was laughing inside. And the movie reminded me of him. The name Theseuz. His game character's name. Why everything has to be related to him? We walked to KL Live. First time also, walking in the street of KL. Amazing!! GC was quite handsome. I'm so in love with blonde. >.<"

          Saturday: Went to Kyee's house to do assignment. But ended up played Facebook's tetris? @_@ He pissed me off. Really was mad at him. Didn't feel like talking to him also. But I chat a lot with WH. OMG!! He's cool too. XD

               Sunday: Yamaha drum camp 2011!! It really was an amazing experience. But it's so tiring. Went to school early. Helping out, was fun and crazy for the whole day. Knew a lot of cool drummers too. Messaged with WH and Reeve the whole day. Cause I don't feel like messaging him. What for message him when he doesn't feel like replying. It will just makes me hate myself even more. Ate dinner with WH, with Kyee too. Don't dare to go out with him alone. He was so nice to pick us up at Sunway. And I had a new nickname, "Polar Bear". Thanks to WH. Second time hanging out with WH. 

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