Wednesday 7 December 2011


It has been some time, that I didn't really write. Sighs. Don't have the time I guess. Just came back from Taiwan, vacation. Happy!! Enjoying myself so much. Miss him so much during that time. 

     Really wanna meet him straight away when I reached Malaysia. And I did. Met up with him the second day that I reached. I told him that I really wanna meet him so badly. Missed him so much. He drove. First time, he's fetching me around in his car. Unforgettable. 

          Backed to school after that. Things happened again. WH... OMG... What's wrong with me and him? Told him that I'm back from Taiwan, and he asked me out for dinner. I can't believe I did something so unbelievable. What's really going on between the 2 of us? How can he do something like that? I was really shocked. Till now, those memories still fresh in my head. And I can't believe myself either. I responded to him?? What the hell am I thinking? I did enjoyed at that moment. That was my very first time, and I'm kinda addicted to it. I wanted to try again but I don't want my second time with him. It made me feel so bad. It's so wrong to do something like that, when he already has a gf. 

               Anyway, it had passed. Sunday... JM came out to meet up again. It was the band idol competition too. Introduced him to Kyee, Sue and John. They shocked him by the way. Watched "Breaking Dawn". I clutched his hand towards the end of the movie cause I was so cold. First time feeling cold by the way. He was so sweet. And I think I'm totally in love with him. After what had happen between me and WH, I just realized that JM means so much to me. He loved the little souvenir that I got for him. He was so happy, and when I see the smile on his face, my days just got so much better. How I wish that I have the courage to ask him to be mine... He really has been my strength that keeps me moving on. His support and his care. Now I just wish that all of this do not expired. 

Mum and dad had a huge fight. I can make it through cause of JM. He was there to listen and talk. Without him, I think I had broke down again. How can I imagine my days without him? It'll be a suicide. Hope mum and dad will get better soon. It's stupid to end such a long relationship. How old are they? It's not fun at all. 

     Assignments!! Kill me... Anyway, I'm dying anyhow. OMG... It's so difficult. Can I really handle it? My pieces and exams and assignments. Can I cope with it? Right now, I really wanna shout... TIME IS NOT ENOUGH!!! I need more time. Have I been wasting so much time? Sighs. >.< 

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