Friday 29 November 2013

I'm So Stupid

          I hate myself!!! I'm so stupid. Trying to be funny and humorous?? It all went to the wrong side. I made Bii so angry. 

          Actually he can't blame me for being like this. He never made me feel secure. I thought I don't have a place in his heart. I thought that he won't care about me. I thought that I'm not important to him. That's why I misinterpreted his text. I thought he was just being funny. That's why I was being sarcastic. 

          But what I didn't expect is Bii has such big reaction. First time I heard Bii so sad and angry. He told me he's already feeling guilty and why do I have to say like that?? It really breaks my heart to know that Bii is sad. I never wanna make the situation to become like that. 

          Should I be happy or worried now?? How am I going to make things better?? What should I do?? 

          Another issue... I can't imagine it. Not even from the start that Han will betray me. He talked behind my back. What the~~ This is all so ridiculous. He's the one who asked me to go to his place often. Then now he's complaining to others that I always go to his place. When I didn't show up, he text me by saying "Why no come??". When I go, he complained. This is nonsense!! 

          Why am I so stupid?? Why I can't differentiate who to trust and who's not?? I don't wanna care. I don't wanna know. All I want now is to make things better for me and Bii. I owe him an apology but I want him to know why I reacted that way too~~ 

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