Tuesday 18 October 2011

My Letter To Him...

Actually the reason I write this letter is not trying to burden you
I just wanna write out all my feelings
What I have been feeling all these while
When you are around and when you are not around.
I just want you to know that I will support you no matter what happens
I know my love for you might bring you awkwardness
And I know, inside your heart might have someone else
But I just want you to know that you are not alone
You wont have to face your problem alone
I really don't know how this happen
How suddenly it was, to have feelings for you?
I never thought that you will return my feelings
But I would like you to know what I'm thinking all these while
Sometimes I might feel jealous because you hang out with her more than you hang out with me
I even cried so badly because of it
Stupidity? You might think of that too.
Is it wrong to have this kind of feeling?
I just want to give you the best, the best love in this world.
Never want you to be sad, never want you to suffer
I just want you to go after your happiness
Don't give up, cause I'm not giving you up either
I promise you to move on, with or without you
And I hope you promise me too, that you'll go after your happiness
I don't want you to regret in your life
Right now, I have no regret in life because I braced myself to write this out
To have the courage to tell you what my thoughts are
To feel blessed, by knowing you, being a part of my life
I'm not shy to say this out, "I LOVE YOU"
You mean so much more to me......

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