Saturday 26 October 2013


A lot of happenings~~~ The thick face read my blog. She's really a thick face. I can't imagine people like her survive. She got no true friends at all. What a pity... She still thinks that she's the charm and she's right?? Bullshit. And she dare to post all those status in facebook. Blaming me. I really pity her now. After posting, like her own post?? So desperate. I wouldn't call her bitch now cause Caryn told me she doesn't worth it. Something about "Beautiful, Intelligent, T___, Charm" and it goes on. So I'm not gonna use that word on her. She doesn't deserve it. 

Finally, felt the betrayal. She has been a two-face all the time. The thick face wouldn't have known about my blog unless someone told her. Cause I've customized my blog to everyone except the thick face. I can't believe it. There's no one that I could trust. I don't like staying in my flat anymore except when I'm in my own room. The thick face is conquering my flat's kitchen most of the time, from 5.30pm until 11pm. What the~~ See her face also lose appetite. 

Aiman told me that he can guess that all the thick face's posts in facebook is me. OMG!! She's making a drama of herself. Attention seeker!! Still will be using this phrase. =P 

Please stop making a fuss or a fool out of yourself. You look like an idiot to me. You think you can influence me by all those?? Grow up~~ Talking about begger, she wanna count that 1.25 pound with me?? What about all the foods that I didn't eat?? I paid... If I wanna beg, I won't be so generous not counting all those with her. Please~~ Stop acting like an angel and try to be generous cause you can never be. You are just a selfish, poor, brainless, pathetic, little creature. I really sympathize on you. 

Anyway, thanks to her, I met a lot of cool friends. That cares, that helps, that loves me as a friend. 

Met up with ZhiXin as well on Sunday and had my first classical concert in London. Really enjoying it. Every single second. Exploring Central London with ZhiXin. That's just amazing. =D

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