Friday 10 June 2011

Couldn't Fit In...

Sighs. I'm so stressed up. I couldn't fit into their conversations. I felt so left out. I'm so not like Gil. My thoughts and her thoughts. I'm glad that he still talk to me. I'm glad that we don't have to be enemy. But every time I saw him and Gil, I just felt left out. Whatever they talk, I just couldn't get it. Not that I'm jealous. It's just that there's still a hurt feeling inside me. I really have to really act nothing has actually happen between us. 
Ok. I admit. Maybe I really am jealous. Cause I don't have the common topic with him?? He had said that to me before. Like, if I want to talk to him, I have to go through Gil. That is why I have been avoiding the both of them lately. It really stabbed deeply into my heart. 
I have to worry about my pieces also. My exams. I worry about my future and my dream more than they do. They can have so much fun. Without worries, without care. I felt like I'm in the totally different world. 
I just couldn't fit in!!

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