Tuesday 28 June 2011

End of 27th June...

I had a great chat with Gil in the night. She knew what happen to me. And I'm happy that she's there for me. She's my real sister. Told her everything. What had happen to me in detail. She told me she knew it from the start. I can't believe it. I didn't see it all these while. They are trying to control me. They just want me to do whatever they say. Sighs. I'm a puppet to them. >.<
Kyee really totally ignored my sms. What a friend?? Guessed I know the answer already. She'll never be my friend anymore. God!! I really can't imagine it. How can this world full of those kind of people?? Selfish, arrogant, commanding and lots more. I don't know how to describe her. The most important is, SHE IS FAKE!! Acted like she can handle everything. She just afraid of losing. That's all. I really wonder, if I post all her photos with J in facebook, what will happen?? But I'll never do it. I never betray a friend. 
And Sue. I feel like slapping her already. Her wall post. Everything she wrote, purposely for me to see. Excuse me?? Don't think you are smart. There's a lot of people out there smarter than you?? What is she trying to say?? I hate sarcastic people. I wonder who's the sarcastic one?? Another FAKE one. She thinks she's the only one in this world?? Even though she's the only child, but please respect. Not sure whether she understands the word RESPECT?? 
Sighs. I shouldn't be angry of anyone. I'm the one who should be blame. Cause I'm too naive to believe them. I just realised that he's the closest to me all these while. But luckily, we are back to normal. I called him. Had a chat. Happy!! I just wanna shout out loud. I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!! He'll always be my friend. My best best friend!! ^^

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