Friday 2 September 2011

End of 1st Sept...

Spending my whole day with my relatives. Happy!! Eat, eat, and eat!! I did nothing else except eat. 


          Didn't really chat with him today. Stupid MSN's fault again. He didn't received any of my messages. While I thought he doesn't wanna chat. Sighs. 

               Went to the hot spring in the evening. Always had been my favorite. So relaxing. ^^ 

After that, we went to 'Rainbow Street' for dinner. I ate a lot that night. I can't believe myself either. 

     Went to De Garden to meet up with Jiawen and Wanyih. So long didn't chat with them. They are doing great in UCSI. That's a good news. We catch up a lot. Really enjoying myself. Until midnight only we left the cafe. ^^ 

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