Monday 15 August 2011

The End...

     Guessed that's the end of us. Me and Zhi. I sent her a sms yesterday. Telling her that I wanna catch up with her and stuff like that. Also, I wanna apologize for what had happened in the past. She didn't replied me. I think that's all for it. I won't make another move anymore. That's the end of our friendship. I already knew she's like that. I really wanna scream right now. If not for JM, I don't think I'll even bother to sms her. I thought all these years friendship, will never break. Guessed I'm wrong again. How can I ever think that she's that generous? I had known her for like 15 years plus. She only uses people to get herself noticed. But when ask for forgiveness, she'll never bother about that person. That's her. I should have known it all these while. Yet I'm still trying because JM asked me to. I'm not blaming JM for doing all these. I just can't believe it that she rather let go our friendship of so many years. Like what Gil said, past friends. Friendship and love to me are the same. It should be eternal. It should be loyal. Once I've marked them as my friends, I'll never let them go. Even though they did something to hurt me. I'll find a way to forgive them. Because they are precious to me in anyway. It's so difficult to find someone that's true to you. To be there for you, to care for you. I tried to get her back, but she's the one letting me go. So I think that's the end of us. She's out of my life, will be removing her name in my buddy's list. 

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