Tuesday 23 August 2011


I got my health report just this morning. Pretty good. Doing well. Happy!! ^^

     But my mum starts to nag at me again. After I've told her about the result, she'll start going with her theory. Sighs. I just skipped one meal yesterday. That doesn't mean a thing right?? I went out with Jaimie and Angie. Ate too full. That's all. After that, maybe it didn't digest well, my stomache not feeling well again. After all, I'm just human. I should go out and enjoy right??

          I know my health isn't that good all the times. I know I'm weak. I'm living like a princess. I know everyone wanted this kind of life. No worries, everything plan for you. They might think this is the ideal life. I never wanted to live like this. Every step that I take, it's been monitored or supervised. I can never have any fun in my life. 

               Guessed my mum is being too over-protected. Is it a good thing or the opposite?? Sometimes I feel happy because there is always someone there for you. To care and to guide you. But what if it's too protected?? I feel that I'm like a bird in a cage. Yes, I don't have to worry of being starve, or the weather turn bad, or my nest being ruin. But I've sacrificed my freedom for that. 

Not that I don't like this kind of life. But not that protected. Sometimes I just felt that I'm so useless. There's nothing I can do independently. I'm such a baby. All I know is cry. And cry. I really wanna have a life. A life that belongs to me. 

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