Tuesday 31 May 2011

End of 31st May...

I'm so happy today. Had so much fun. Finally, a day without worrying or thinking about him. So relaxing. But he came to talked me like nothing has ever happened?? Sighs. I don't know. He never said the words out that he forgive me. 
I was trying my best to avoid him this whole day. Don't know whether I'm doing the right thing?? Even my vocal teacher also scold me stupid. Sob sob. 
Went to Kyee's house. Having so much fun also there. ^^ Taught her how to do harmony analysis's homework. Kyee almost kill me. I wonder what did she do in Ms Lenn See's class?? =P
I don't feel like going back. I want to stay at her house!! Roselyn, me and Kyee started spamming my wall in the night. ^o^ Such a nice game. 

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